Volunteers’ top questions answered.
Questions and Answers
How do I pass my time in the EEU? In the EEU you can watch movies, listen to music, study and enjoy good food in a comfortable environment. You are with other allergic people, but the room is not crowded. You record your symptoms and responses to medication at intervals with instruction from EEU staff.
What will participating in EEU studies do to my allergies? Experience in EEU studies does not appear to influence sensitivity to ragweed pollen.
How do I get involved? If you have a history of allergic symptoms in late summer and live in Kingston, call 613-546-5300 to have your name added to our contact list. In other parts of eastern Ontario, call the EEU’s toll-free number: 1-877-6POLLEN. When a new study is announced, we will send you a letter with our contact information or post advertisements asking you to contact us. If you are eligible for the study, you will then have a simple skin test to determine whether you are allergic to ragweed. If you are allergic to ragweed, you will also receive a health examination by a physician to determine whether you are able to participate.
Will I be compensated for my time? You will receive an honorarium for expenses and the time you contribute to an EEU study.